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保肝寧 Liver Tonic 35000mg 60粒




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ARTG ID: 200387 肝臟是人體最大的,代謝功能最復雜的器官。肝臟除有碳水化台物、脂肪蛋白質、膽紅素、膽酸等的代謝功能外,還是人體重要的免疫、解毒和內分泌器官,它能合成與蛋白相結合的激素,它所分泌的膽汁是消化和吸收脂溶性維生素所必需的。Royal Life最高含量保肝寧采用天然護肝草藥乳薊草(Milk thistle)學名為Silybum Marianum,它是自然界賦予人類的神奇的天然草藥。乳薊草提取物能直接與肝臟細胞外膜結合阻擋外來有毒化合物或各種毒素的破壞力,因而有效保護最外層的肝臟細胞膜。乳薊草種子含有一種強力抗氧化劑,能減少肝臟細胞被游離基破壞,促進蛋白質的合成,加快制造新的肝臟細胞,或令已受損的肝臟細胞自行修復。 主要功效: • 保肝護肝,利膽增強膽汁分泌,強化肝臟功能,促進肝細胞再生 • 預防治療各類肝病(急慢性肝炎、肝硬化、脂肪肝,及各種肝病變) • 幫助酒精分解,具有醒酒,預防酒醉作用,有效的降低酒精度對肝臟造成的損害,並能有效治療酒精肝 • 解毒(解救藥物和食物引起的中毒) • 修復因吸煙、喝酒引起的肝損傷 • 降肝火,消除口苦,口臭,便秘等症狀 • 促進膽汁分泌,增加排尿排出毒素,對化學污染及輻則引起的肝擔損壞有抵抗作用。 The major action of Liver Tonic is on the liver. The liver performs an incredible number of functions in the body. The major functions of the liver include the production of bile and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats and many other compounds used by the body.  It also metabolises drugs and detoxifies numerous ingested substances such as alcohol, as well as toxins produced by the body. Liver Tonic supports the liver and has an antioxidant and free radical scavenging action.  This action appears to be largely due to the action of the active constituents in Liver Tonic which are a complex of flavanolignans collectively called silymarin. Silymarin can help protect the liver against toxins that cause liver damage, as well as stimulate the replacement of old and damaged cells with new liver cells. Standardised potency High dosage preparation Assists as a natural liver tonic Supports liver regeneration Assists the liver in the detoxification processes Help maintain digestive function Support the liver by promoting elimination of wastes Help maintain healthy liver function Help maintain the liver’s detoxification and elimination processes Help combat free radicals
