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護眼明 Bilberry 10000mg 60粒

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D: 203445 現代人整天注視著電腦,視力的減退及眼睛細胞的老化問題,總是提早到來,過度暴露在螢幕前,眼底承受過多的自由基及眼睛微細肌肉的過度伸張,造成近視老花問題的加劇。Royal Life高含量護眼明以山桑子(BILBERRY)為原料提取的高濃度精華素精制而成,山桑子中含有大量的抗氧化成分“花青素”,能促進眼部微血管循環,提高眼睛對光線的敏感度及對暗處的適應能力,消除眼部疲勞。養護眼睛確有意想不到的效果。 主要功效: • 維護視力健康,預防眼晴損壞 • 清除視網膜內有毒物質 • 強力抗氧化功能,防止視網膜過度氧化 • 強化眼睛毛細血管,增強抵抗力 • 舒解眼內壓,改善眼睛乾澀.防止發炎 • 改善視網膜出血,黃斑退化症 • 改善夜盲症、老花眼、白內障、飛蚊症 適用人群: • 適台於需要經常保持敏銳力人士 • 睡眠不足、夜睡人士 • 視力易疲勞者 • 配戴眼鏡或隱形眼鏡人士 • 因考試、學習過度而過度使用眼睛人土 • 經常使用電腦及閱讀者 • 視網膜退化、夜盲症、黃斑退化、青光眼、老年白內障、糖尿病所引起的視網膜病 • 白內障等疾病患者 Royal Life Bilberry helps to relieve eyestrain and eye fatigue and support night vision. Daily computer use, night driving and fine detail work can cause symptoms of eyestrain. The key constituents of bilberry are the anthocyanosides. These constituents give bilberry antioxidant properties. In addition, the anthocyanosides have been shown to increase the strength and reduce the permeability of the capillaries and, in this way, bilberry helps to reduce damage to the microcirculation of the eye. The anthocyanosides in bilberry help to maintain visual acuity (sharpness) and improve night vision through their action on rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is a light-sensitive pigment found in the rods of the retina. Rhodopsin is essential for eyesight in dim light and needs to be quickly regenerated in order for the eye to maintain visual sensitivity. Has traditionally been used to relieve eyestrain, eye fatigue and eye weariness Helps to maintain visual acuity and sharpness in poor light (night vision) Supports healthy functioning of the retina and may help reduce the risk of damage to the microcirculation of the eye

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