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輔酶Q10 Co-Enzyme Q10 150mg 60粒

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ARTG ID: 203423 輔酶Q10堪稱心腦保健領域最偉大的發現之一,是體內一種自行合成的輔酶,存在人體每個細胞中,主要作用為驅動人體細胞產生能量,尤其可強化心臟機能,能緩解缺氧狀態,因此稱為”心臟活力之源”! 主要功效: • 保護心臟功能:輔酶Q10可有效緩解動脈硬化,使冠狀動脈狹窄的情況得到改善,從而有效改善心肌缺氧,改善心肌衰竭。輔酶Q10對心肌的保護作用主要是保護酶系統,激活酶系統,使組織保持和恢復原有的功能,為心肌提供充足氧氣,預防突發心臟病,緩解缺氧狀態。 • 延緩衰老,抗氧化:輔酶Q10具有很強的抗氧化性,能減少自由基的產生,保護SOD酶活性。長期服用輛酶Q10,可維持機體細胞能量,增強免疫系統,保護心、肝、腎免受自由基的損害,同時具有延緩衰老的作用。 • 促進脂肪消耗,預防三高:輔酶Q10在線粒體內發揮作用,幫助脂肪、碳水化合物轉化為能量。體內擁有足夠量的輔酶Q10可以幫助人體消耗血管內和體內堆積的過多脂肪,防止高血壓、高血脂的產生。 • 增強免疫力:輔酶Q10是一種脂溶性抗氧化劑,輔酶Q10是人類生命不可缺少的重要元素之一,能激活人體細胞和細胞能量的營養,具有增強人體免疫系統的功能,保護心、腦、肝、腎等臟器免受自由基損害。 Royal Life Co-Enzyme Q10 is a natural source of coenzyme Q10 and a powerful antioxidant. It provides support for cellular energy production and helps maintain normal healthy functioning of the heart. Coenzyme Q10 is found naturally in the body and plays an essential role in the production of energy in all cells. As such it is important for the health of virtually all human tissues and organs. The heart is one of the most active tissues in the body, and requires an adequate supply of CoQ10. CoQ10 assists in maintaining heart health, in particular heart muscle function. The body’s ability to synthesise CoQ10 declines with age and with exercise. CoQ10 inhibits the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol. Cholesterol is very susceptible to free radical damage, which leads to the formation of a toxic derivative called oxidised LDL-cholesterol. It is currently understood that LDL-cholesterol may be harmful to the body after it has become oxidised. Helps maintain healthy arteries and a healthy cardiovascular system Reduces the oxidation of LDL cholesterol Natural source Convenient 1-a-day dose

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